Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday October 22nd

The girls have just come back from survival which is 3 days long. Every one enjoyed it but the flies drove us insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had to make our own tents and everything.
Ms Von Berkley said it was one of a kind!
On the second night we all crowded into one tent cause there were storm warnings….and in this tent there were no holes so it was absolutely boiling!!!.
<8)))))>< we all smelt really bad (like dead fish)!
We all packed up nice and early this morning ‘cause we wanted to get back for horse riding.
The trail ride today was pretty cool and Barney (the horse) had to be whistled at almost all the way to stop him going to the toilet!
We have just started the fire for the showers and we are all craving one so bad.
Oh yeh… and on the camp out we got some surprise visit from Ms Baron which was cool and cause we were so awesome at the campout we got rewards, which were avocados and some other yummy stuff. We mixed the avocados and honey together and we made a face mask for every one (Freya’s idea).
Then we baked a cake and sultana bread in the ground oven which was absolutely delicious!!!.
And we think that was about it.
Ok until next time!!!!!!!
By Tarryn Nikki and Freya.