This week we went trotting on the horses and Kasey got to canter.
Then on Friday the girls went on a road trip with Miss Vonberky to see the over hanging rock, the fire tower, the palm forest and to an awesome swinging bridge. Whilst we were on our road trip with saw Shetland ponies that were about 1 metre tall. When we were out the boys had to do project work (stuff that needed to be done around the place).
Everyone went on Survival and when the girls got back we told the boys to watch out for Russell and they are still asking us what it is. =]
Tarryn and I (Kasey) were sleeping in the same TP that we had to make out of logs and a tarp and I woke up and heard something out side so I’m like “Tarryn, Tarryn make loud noises” so she screamed and scared both the animal and us.
Today we did our washing and had free time for the rest of the day.
Tarryn, Gian, Kasey