Thursday, August 5, 2010

Girls Three Day Hike

Hi, just the girls here.

The last three days have been so much fun because we did the three day hike. There were so many fun times but there were also the moments where you got to experience time to yourself which was good. There were a few trips and falls but everyone was so determined that they just got back up and kept on going.

Many new friendships were formed on the hike and we all learned how to get along with each other. Camping was great and everyone enjoyed it but once we got back to Mt Binga everyone was just so glad that we all started running to the cabin.

All up the hike was fun and everyone enjoyed it. All the girls were grateful for the time they got to spend with their friends but at the end of the day we all liked that little bit of time to ourselves.

By Sara, Amy B and Tessa